PPC Prices And Rate Card

Here at internetmarketingipswich.co.uk we like to do things differently and give customers more choice.

Most PPC management companies will choose to charge a set percentage of adspend each month. This can be over 10% in some cases!

We believe we can be competitive and offer a fixed price each month for our management services. Taking this kind of approach gives you the customer better flexibility and can sometimes be the difference to making new business venture’s viable, and increasing existing return on investment.

We like to keep everything simple and straightforward, and we welcome your business, both local and international clients.

Here are our current rates:

ppc prices and rates, rate card


Please contact us before ordering so that we can send you a brief survey. This survey will ask you questions about your goals with the campaign, who you see your competitors are, any important websites, what special offers you have, and others.

But don’t worry it does not take long and helps us to create the best possible campaigns for you, and also to tweak and manage campaigns in the most supportive way for your goals. There is nothing like the insight of a business owner, and we will be working along side you to grow and build your business.


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